消费升级背景下国民对健身休闲消费有了新的变化和需求,健身休闲服务业 发展面临着新的发展机遇。基于此,运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法等研究方法,通过对消 费升级概念的界定,消费结构、消费品类、消费逻辑的理论以及消费升级对健身休闲服务 业的影响进行分析研究,认为消费升级给潜水、越野、冰雪等小众体育项目带来了发展契 机,同时推升了健身休闲运动用品的销售增长,也驱动了健身休闲运动参与率大幅增长。 进而从理念变革、组织重构、内容创新等方面提出了我国健身休闲服务业的创变之路,并 在此基础上,对健身休闲服务业未来发展提出展望。
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Along with the fundamental changes in China’s economic structure and growth mechanism, consumption has replaced investment as the most important driving force for economic growth. This new round of consumption upgrade involves the upgrading of consumption structure, consumer goods and consumption logic as well, making an impact on the fitness and leisure service industry. Firstly, it triggers the development of such niche sports as diving, cross-country sports and snow-and-ice-based sports. Secondly, it promotes the sales growth of fitness and leisure sports products. Thirdly, it increases people’s participation in these sports. This paper argues that the innovation of the fitness and leisure service industry in China entails a renewed understanding, the organizational reconstruction and the content innovation of the fitness and leisure service.
湖北休闲体育发展研究中心2017 年度开放基金课题:湖北省公共体育服务体系示范区指标体系研究 (2017Y011)。