采用文献资料法,对近代不同社会思潮影响下国人体育观的变迁进行了分析。 研究认为:1840 年鸦片战争以后,随着洋务运动、戊戌维新运动、辛亥革命、新文化运动兴 起以及20 世纪20~30 年代出现的“土洋思想”交锋,伴以西方社会思潮而至的西方体育, 在传播的同时亦对社会发展进程中的国人体育观产生了深刻的影响。晚清时期,强兵、御 侮和强种、强国的思潮,促使国人开始探讨体育救国之路;在军国民体育思潮的熏陶下, 体育救国成为人们一种“理想化”的选择;而在民主与科学思潮激荡下蜂拥而至的实用主 义体育与自然体育思潮、国粹主义体育与民族体育思潮,则使人们更加全方位地了解传 统体育和西方体育,使人们从融健身、娱乐、竞技为一体的角度开始走向体育的真义与本 质。这是中国体育在由传统向近代转变过程中国人体育观变迁的最主要特点,也是中国 近代体育发展的主要特点。
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This paper uses the method of documentation and materials to analyze the change of Chinese modern sports view under the influence of social thought.The paper contents that after The Opium Wa(r 1840), with the rise of self-strengthening movement, WU Xu reform movement, Xinhai Revolution and New Culture Movement, with the exchange of the earth ideas and the ocean ideas in the 1920s-1930s,and with western social thoughts coming, the western sport had the deep impact on the Chinese sports view in the process of social development. In the late Qing period, the thoughts of Strong military forces,to resist the invasion, strong the people and strong the nation drove Chinese to start exploring the path of sports saving. And sportssaving became the idealized choice in China under the influence of military national sports thought. Due to the influence of democracy and science ,the thoughts of Pragmatic sports and natural sports and the thoughts of Nationalism sports and National sports made the people understand more comprehensively traditional sports and western sports, these thoughts made the people begin to move from the perspective of fitness and recreation to the true meaning and essence of sports. That is the main feature of the change of Chinese sports view in the process of Chinese sport changing from tradition to modern, also is the main feature of Chinese modern sport development.